Mission & Vision: Evolutionizing animal-free research | Gelomics
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200 million
animals are euthanized for research and drug development every year

Yet, over
of drug candidates fail in human trials despite successful animal testing

Let’s face it, animal experiments are ethically challenging, expensive, and rarely predict human biology

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Drug development is lengthy
It takes 10 - 15 years to develop a new drug on average

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Failure is expensive
The average loss associated with failure of a drug candidate is US $1.3 billion

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Cell and animal tests rarely predict human biology
Over 90% of drug candidates fail when tested in humans despite successful outcomes in cell and animal tests

Join us in revolutionizing animal-free research and accelerating the development of lifesaving treatments

LunaGel 3D Tissue Culture System

LunaGel™ 3D Tissue Culture System

Embrace the Power of 3D Cell Culture Approaches with Gelomics


Step into a world where scientific advancement aligns with ethical responsibility. Experience the power of 3D cell culture approaches and contribute to a more humane, cost-effective, and efficient future in drug development. Explore our LunaGel™ technology and the possibilities it offers today.

Explore how our technology cuts down on animal testing, making research and drug development faster and more effective than ever before.  


drug developers

$83 million

per drug candidate

Improving preclinical R&D efficiency by

Reducing preclinical R&D animal tests by


$2.4 million

animal lives/year in the USA alone

Reducing progression of failing candidates to clinical trials by

saves the pharmaceutical industry

$65 billion

per year in the USA alone

Find out how you can help save animal lives and make biomedical research and development more efficient 

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