
Feb 263 min

Empowering Dr Silvia Cometta's Innovations in Implant Safety and Biofilm Research with Gelomics' GelMA Technology

Figure 1. S. aureus growth and biofilm formation within 3D GelMA constructs. Live/Dead staining reveals bacterial behaviour within A) GelMA after 1 and 21 days in culture and B) a 3D printed medical-grade polycaprolactone scaffold/GelMA construct after 1 and 7 days in culture. In both panels, live bacteria are depicted in green and dead bacteria are shown in red. Notably, the autofluorescence of polycaprolactone fibres facilitates their visualization in red (B).

In the bustling research labs of the Queensland University of Technology, Dr. Silvia Cometta and her team are at the forefront of biomedical engineering, specifically focusing on the persistent challenge of biofilm infections on medical implants. With a rich background in molecular bioengineering and biomedical engineering, Dr. Cometta's research is paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in healthcare, particularly in improving outcomes for patients with medical implants.

The Challenge of Biofilm-Related Infections

Biofilms, essentially communities of bacteria that adhere to surfaces and form protective layers, are the culprits behind 65% to 80% of human infections. These biofilms are notoriously difficult to treat, exhibiting up to 1000 times more resistance to antimicrobials than free-floating bacterial cells and often leading to severe complications with medical implants. The traditional research models have struggled to replicate the complex environment of biofilm formation in the human body, resulting in a gap between laboratory findings and practical, clinical applications.

A Cutting-Edge Approach

To bridge this gap, Dr. Cometta's team has developed an innovative in vitro model using Gelomics’ Gelatin Methacrylate (GelMA) to simulate the environment where biofilms thrive. This model takes into account the tissue microenvironment, bacterial interactions, host responses, and real-world conditions like oxygen and nutrient gradients. By doing so, the team aims to understand how biofilm infections develop, persist, and respond to treatments, with the ultimate goal of designing implants that resist biofilm formation or optimizing treatment protocols for existing implants.

Why Biofilms Matter

Biofilms play a significant role in implant-related complications, from bone loss in orthopaedic implants to capsular contracture in breast implants. The complexity of biofilms and their resistance to traditional treatment methods make them a formidable challenge in medical science. Dr.Cometta's work focuses on the intricacies of biofilm formation and how it can be disrupted or prevented, aiming to significantly reduce the risks associated with medical implants.

Traditional vs. Innovative Research Methods

Historically, biofilm research has relied on simplistic models that fail to capture the complexity of biofilm growth on implants. Dr.Cometta's team, however, employs a more sophisticated approach by utilizing GelMA to create a 3D microenvironment that mimics the conditions biofilms encounter in the human body. This not only provides more accurate data but also offers a relevant platform for testing new antimicrobial strategies.

The GelMA Revolution

GelMA-based models represent a leap forward in biofilm research. By embedding bacteria within GelMA hydrogels, the team has observed dynamic, three-dimensional growth patterns that closely resemble those of biofilms in the human body. This innovative approach allows for a deeper understanding of biofilm architecture and behavior, potentially leading to more effective treatment methods.

Looking Ahead: Impact and Collaborations

Dr.Cometta's research holds the promise of transforming the treatment and prevention of biofilm-related implant infections. By providing a realistic model for studying biofilms, her work encourages the translation of laboratory findings into practical, clinical solutions. Collaborations are vital to advancing this research field, offering new insights tackling biofilm infections.

Partnerships and Future Directions

The team's work is not just about understanding biofilms; it's about translating this understanding into tangible benefits for patients. With partnerships across the academic and clinical spectrum, Dr. Cometta's research is set to make significant contributions to the field of biomedical engineering and implant technology. Looking forward, the team aims to expand their research to include drug libraries testing in their biofilm models, exploring the effectiveness of various treatments in a more clinically relevant setting.

As the battle against biofilm infections on medical implants continues, Dr. Silvia Cometta and her team at the QUT are leading the charge with innovative research and a commitment to improving patient outcomes. Their pioneering work in GelMA-based in vitro models powered by Gelomics is a beacon of hope for the millions of patients worldwide who rely on medical implants for their health and well-being.

  • Hutmacher, D.W. (2023) Trauma, Orthopaedic Surgery and Burns Infection Management Workshop. Brisbane, Australia


  • Cometta, S. et al. (2024) A GelMA-based in vitro model to mimic Staphylococcus aureus growth and biofilm formation in tissues. 
